Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Last Hurrah! One Month to Go!

I'm not the type of person who counts down to events, but sometimes you just need to have a change of heart, especially when you're getting married!

Instead of 'counting down' the days until the wedding, I though I'd be hip (that was for you, Nicole!) and do a post every day with something wedding related. Let's see if I can keep up with this! Hopefully it makes the time just fly by...

Today's picture is one of our church decorations that I made out of canning jars.



  1. Rach, they are GORGEOUS!!!! :D cant wait to see you in 2 1/2 weeks!! :D xx

  2. Me either! You would be really proud of me! I've been super crafty lately...although I've been procrastinating on my homework, but don't tell anyone!

    See you soon!

  3. hehe I'm super proud!! Also, thats how I was with my homework too...anything to procrastinate. Let's face it, wedding planning is SO much more fun than homework and writing essays/dissertations!

    See you in 2 weeks! VERY EXCITED!!! xx
